March 26, 2014

Senior Sister Spotlight Week: Day One

As the last week of classes looms, we decided to feature our graduating sisters this week. To kick off our Senior Sister Spotlight Week, we would like to feature sisters Caitlin Cimowsky and Laura Leach! Read more about them below:

Name: Caitlin Cimowsky 
Year Initiated: 2010
Degree: Bachelor of Commerce (specialization in management, concentration in marketing, double minor in economics and psychology) 
Offices Held: Vice President of Administration, Vice President of Public Relations, Vice President of Finance, and Vice President of Membership Assistant 
Future Plans/Dreams: In the immediate future I hope to work in marketing for a cosmetics company, and I plan to get my MBA after working for a few years. 

How Tri Delta Has Affected My Life: Tri Delta has undoubtedly been the best part of my university experience. I can’t imagine how I would have survived the last 4 years at U of T without my sisters! 

Name: Laura Leach
Year Initiated: Fall 2012
Degree: Double major in Psychology and Health Studies
Offices Held: Member Development Chair, February 2013 - January 2014
Future Plans/Dreams: Scuba dive in the Great Barrier reef, sing karaoke in a country where the primary spoken language is not English, step foot on six different continents, do a handstand on the great wall of China, have a job that I am passionate to go to every morning and hold a live octopus.  
How TriDelta Has Affected My Life: I didn't grow up thinking I would join a sorority when in university, but when I came to UofT I began to feel like a small fish in a terribly large pond.  So I went in search of a smaller community in which I could find my home.  I went through formal recruitment and found that home in TriDelta.  TriDelta gave me a like-minded community of young women with a passion for service and philanthropy where I felt welcomed, wanted, and comfortable.  Being in TriDelta I have been challenged in leadership roles, inspired into service, and encouraged in my every aspiration.  I didn't expect to have a sorority change my life, but TriDelta most certainly has. 
Favourite TriDelta Memory: Just barely one month into my journey with TriDelta our Membership Development Chair (fellow graduate of 2014 Clara Mitchell) led a Fat Talk Free Week program for the chapter where we wrote out messages on individual papers listing that things that we loved about one another that had nothing to do with how we looked.  By the end of the night every girl in chapter had a page of compliments that focused on our personality traits, our abilities, and our passions that our sisters saw in us and admired.  Now, I had only been in TriDelta as a new member for ONE MONTH, but my new sisters had FILLED a page with encouraging, loving words that showed me how much I was valued and accepted into this new sisterhood.  I still keep my paper hung up on the wall of my room, and the thoughtful messages on it continue to brighten my day and inspire me to be multidimensional in what I have to give to the world around me. 
Favourite Quote/Words of Wisdom:  "Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast" (Alice in Wonderland). 

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