March 28, 2014

Senior Spotlight Day 2

 Learn more about our graduating sisters here!

Name: Keely Kundell
Year Initiated: 2010
Degree: BA
Offices Held: Licensing Chair, Academic chair, Philanthropy Chair 
Future Plans/Dreams: I am going to Ryerson next year to get my certificate in publishing, It is my dream to work in either children's fiction as an editor, or in romance fiction. I hope on day to be a major editor at Penguin, Scholastic, Simon & Schuster or Harlequin. That or have my very own company!
How Tri Delta Has Affected My Life:I used to be fairly anti-social, and apprehensive when making new friends. Tri Delta has brought me out of that shell, and is the source of confidence and inspiration as I move forward in life. These girls have been there for me through thick and thin, and have truly been integral to my university experience, if not my life experience. They have helped me embrace myself, and to grow as an individual. Not only that but have put me in touch with our alumni, who serve as amazing mentors. I know that I will always have these girls in my life.
Favourite Tri Delta Memory: Sitting in the basement on Tuesday nights, with the rest of the girls, shouting at the screen as his Juan Pablo continues to amaze us all with idiocy. 

Favourite Quote/Words of Wisdom:"I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life’s a bitch. You’ve got to go out and kick ass" -Maya Angelou

Name: Laura Trommels 
Year Initiated: 2013    
Degree: Specialist in Accounting, Minor in Economics
Offices Held: Academic Assistant
Favourite Tri Delta Memory: The day I initiated and became of full member of Delta Delta Delta! 
Favourite Quote/Words of Wisdom: You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. 

Name: Alexandra Misiak
Year Initiated: 2012
Degree: Major in Health and Disease, Major in Psychology
Offices Held: Risk Management, Vice President of Membership Assistant
How Tri Delta Has Affected My Life: TriDelta has given me the confidence and experience I need to undertake any challenge in my life. No matter where I go or what I do, I know that I will always have an amazing group of women supporting me every step of the way.
Favourite Tri Delta Memory: Receiving my bid.
Favourite Quote/Words of Wisdom: In all that you do, do it with love.

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